Novel designs of accelerator and beamline components
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Abstract |
Proceedings |
1 |
Design of the Aluminum Vacuum Chambers for the TPS
Gao-Yu Hsiung, Che-Kai Chan, Tsai-Lieh Yang, Chien-Kuang Kuan, Chin-Chun Chang, Ching-Lung Chen, Hsin-Pai Hsueh, June-Rong Chen (NSRRC) |
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Novel Chamber Design for An In-Vacuum Cryo-Cooled Mini-Gap Undulator
Jih-Perng Hu, Conrad L. Foerster, John R. Skaritka, David Waterman (Brookhaven National Laboratory) |
Insertion devices, front ends and vacuum chambers
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Title / Authors
3 |
Thermal Stress Analysis and Brazing Test for Design of a Frontend Pulse-by-pulse SR Beam Monitor
Hideki Aoyagi, Sunao Takahashi, Hideo Kitamura (SPring-8/JASRI) |
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CVD Diamond Windows for Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines
Robin Betemps, Heinrich Blumer, Urs Ellenberger, Uwe Flechsig, Franz Pfeiffer, Lothar Schulz, Jakob Ulrich, Sasa Zelenika, Christoph Wild (Paul Scherrer Institut/Swiss Light Source) |
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Stainless Steel UHV Chamber for SSRF Storage Ring
Jiang Dikui, Chen Yonglin, Li Wei, Wu Dezhong, Liu Yiyong (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) |
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Status of 2 Tesla Superconducting Wiggler at CLSI
N. Mezentsev, E. Miguinskaia, S. Demin, V. Repkov, V. Shkaruba, M. de-Jong, J. de-Tong, T. Johnson, N. Johnson, E. Matias, X. Shen, A. Sitnikov (Canadian Light Source Inc.) |
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A System That Permits Micron Level Magnet Gap Control For an In-vacuum Undulator
S. Chouhan, D. Harder, G. Rakowsky, S. Ramamoorthy, W. Rambo, T. Tanabe, J. Skaritka, J. Kulesza, D. Waterman (Brookhaven National Laboratory) |
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Superconducting Wiggler Magnets and Cryogenic Systems Upgrades For The NSLS X-Ray Ring
Payman Mortazavi (Brookhaven National Laboratory) |
High heat load analysis and design
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Title / Authors
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Proceedings |
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Numerical Simulation and Air Conditioning System Improvement for the Experimental Hall at TLS
J. C. Chang, M. T. Ke, Z. D. Tsai, J. R. Chen (NSRRC) |
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Thermal Analysis of Absorbers for the 3 GeV TPS
C. K. Kuan, C. K. Chan, T. L. Yang, G. Y. Hsiung, D. J. Wang, J. R. Chen (NSRRC) |
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Cryogenic cooling of monochromator crystals: Side cooling or direct cooling?
Philippe Marion, Lin Zhang, Loys Goirand, Michel Rossat, Keith Martel (ESRF) |
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Measurement of contact thermal conductance at cryogenic temperature
Tetsuro Mochizuki, Haruhiko Ohashi, Shunji Goto, Tetsuya Ishikawa (SPring-8/JASRI) |
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Design of the Extreme Conditions beamline at Diamond Light source
Andrew Jephcoat, David Hawkins, Stewart Scott, Heribert Wilhelm (Diamond Light Source) |
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Simulation of high heat load components of front end at SSRF
WANG Na-xiu, JIN Jian-feng, LIU Xue (SSRF - Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Science) |
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Analysis of a 26 kW Front End Photon Shutter
Curtis Mullin, Brian Yates (Canadian Light Source Inc., University of Saskatchewan) |
High precision positioning mechanisms
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Title / Authors
Abstract |
Proceedings |
14 |
Development of a High-Precision Slit System for Soft x-ray Transmission-Grating Spectrometer
Toshio Horigome, Koji Matsushita, Hisashi Yoshida, Takuhiko Kondo, Takaki Hatsui (Institute for Molecular Science) |
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Development of High-Precision Slit Blades for Soft x-ray Transmission-Grating Spectrometer
Takuhiko Kondo, Mitsukazu Suzui, Tatsuharu Torii, Tadashi Masuda, Toshio Horigome, Takaki Hatsui (Institute for Molecular Science) |
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5 Axis Manipulator for PEEM
Nicholas M. Kelez, Tom Miller, Rob Duarte, Alastair MacDowell (Advanced Light Source/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
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Nano Radian Angular Resolution Flexure Stage for ID28 Post-monochromator
K. Martel, M. Krisch, R. Verbeni, D. Gambetti (ESRF) |
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A Precise 6-Axis Girder System with Cam Mover Mechanism
Tse-Chuan Tseng, Jeremy Wang, Shen-Yaw Perng, Chia-Jui Lin, His-Chou Ho, Duan-Jen Wang, June-Rong Chen (NSRRC) |
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Compact Kinematic Holders for Synchrotron Radiation Experimental Applications
S. Xu, R. F. Fischetti, B. Lai (Argonne National Laboratory) |
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Precise rotational motion mechanism for refocusing mirror on UHV around three perpendicular axes
Tomoyuki Abe, Isao Kusunoki (Ayumi Industry Co.,Ltd) |
Optics and related topics
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Title / Authors
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Proceedings |
20 |
Analysis of error propagation in profile measurement by using stitching
Tatsuya KUME, Kazuhiro ENAMI, Yasuo HIGASHI, Kenji UENO (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) |
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Performance of Microfocusing by Elliptical Bendable Mirrors for Soft X-ray
Noboru Kamachi, Jun Nakagawa, Katsumi Endo, Takeshi Kanashima, Haruhiko Ohashi (TOYAMA Co., Ltd.) |
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Validity of the measurement accuracy in the EUV interferometer
Masahito Niibe, Katsumi Sugisaki, Masashi Okada, Seima Kato, Chidane Ouchi, Masanobu Hasegawa (Unversity of Hyogo) |
Vibration and mechanical stability
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Title / Authors
Abstract |
Proceedings |
23 |
Dynamic Test of SSRF Storage Ring Girder-Magnet Assembly
Wang Xiao, Bu Lingshan, Yan Zhongbao, Du Hanwen (SSRF - Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Science) |
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Air-Pads for Alignment of Heavy Accelerator Components
Takahiro Inagaki, Tsumoru Shintake, Kazuaki Togawa, Hiroaki Kimura, Katsuhiko Inoue (SPring-8/RIKEN) |
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The Ground Vibrations Measurement at SSRF Site and Their Effect Evaluation
Lianhua Ouyang, Lingshan Bu, Jianhui Chen, Xiao Wang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) |
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Demanding Mechanical Specifications on the I18 Microfocus Beamline at Diamond
Andrew Peach (Diamond Light Source Ltd.) |
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Vibration measurement and analysis techniques: x-ray beamline vibration diagnosis at the APS
Curt Preissner, Deming Shu (Advanced Photon Source/Argonne National Laboratory) |
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Active vibration suppression scheme of magnet girders
Jeremy Wang, Duan-Jen Wang, Shen-Yaw Perng, Tse-Chuan Tseng, Chia-Jui Lin, His-Chou Ho, June-Rong Chen (NSRRC) |
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Mechanical stabilized schemes of position sensitive components in the synchrotron facility
Duan Jen Wang, S. Y. Perng, H. C. Ho, C. K. Kuan (NSRRC) |
Sample environment specific conditioning
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Proceedings |
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High Temperature Furnace Designs for in situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy under Reactive Gas Flow Conditions
B. Gorges, S. G. Eeckhout, G. Guilera (ESRF) |
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Miniature Continuous Flow Helium Cryostat
R. Steinmann, P. van der Linden (ESRF) |
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Cold Nitrogen Gas Generator
R. Steinmann, P. van der Linden (ESRF) |